Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mrs. Dunn's Word

At Pittsville Elem/Middle School there is a new bible study group and someone asked if they could post up some flyers and Mrs. Dunn said no and that person said "why what is the big deal?" Mrs. Dunn said "well I have been here for 15 years I think my word is enough, and there are more people in this school who have other religous." The other person contacted the Board Of Ed and now the posters are hung in the school. We can't forget that the people who believe in Jesus have rights too!!! For the people who go to Pittsville School Mrs. Dunn is retiring this year!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a parent of a college student and former Catholic school student I am chiming in. The posters should be fine as long as there is not biblical quotes or pictures.

Time, place, date and purpose is all that should be stated on the flyer. We must respect that there are others out there who believe differently from us and not infringe on their ideas.

Furthermore, this should be carried to all clubs, etc. In ther words basketball flyers should not state "Your not cool if you don't shoot hoops" as an example.

Good luck Rick with your blog.